For those youths who can afford to attend senior school, it is often done after working and raising the money for several years. Hence, many students in their final senior school education are considerably older than UK students and have worked for a living and have a clear view of businesses they would like to pursue. Tertiary education following secondary is also outside of the affordability of many of these students.
The programme is being lead in the UK by the Wiltshire Global Education Centre (the educational wing of MBG). In Gunjur the local NGO is TARUD (Trust Agency for Rural Development).
The Wiltshire Global Education Centre (WGEC), the educational arm of MBG, has access to and / or works with 28 secondary schools in Swindon and Wiltshire, 7 of which have partnerships with schools in The Gambia as a result of WGEC’s work over the past 22 years.
WGEC sees this project as at the core of its mission statement to promote a just and sustainable world and bring a global dimension into the learning of students both in the UK and The Gambia.
The Proposal is:-
Interest in the competition will be generated through WGEC’s e-bulletin which goes monthly to all schools in Wiltshire and other media outlets with which MBG is very familiar including local BBC Radio. (The Chair of MBG is a producer for BBC Wiltshire radio). Launch meetings will be held in the North and South of the county. Experience from this year indicates that some follow up work with schools, probably involving school visits, will be required to maximise engagement.
The competition will be conducted in 3 stages:
In The Gambia
Meanwhile the competition will be promoted amongst students from Gunjur in secondary schools in the Kombo South region of The Gambia (in which Gunjur is situated) through head teachers, staff and channels which have been long established (local radio, leaflets to kabilos (wards) in Gunjur etc). This process will start during the visit in October 2015 to the Gambia of this year’s winning team who will spend at least one day working with groups of senior secondary students and discussing their proposal with them.
In pairs, Gunjur students from secondary schools in Kombo South will be invited to submit entrepreneurial, innovative business proposals which they consider will make a difference to the community in terms of employment and wealth creation, with consideration of environmental impact and sustainability. They will be given access to staff in MBG’s partner NGO, TARUD (who are currently managing the Youth Business development programme in Gunjur) and active, successful business people in the community (tailors, retail businesses, beekeeper, hairdresser etc) to give them support and advice as they develop their proposals.
Two months after the advertising of the competition each pair will have submitted an outline plan for a business to a standard format which will include setting up costs, projected income, risks, numbers expected to be employed in the business etc and will be invited to give a presentation in front of their Headteacher, an Arkleton Trustee, a member of MBG/WGEC, a member of the Gunjur Community Link committee and TARUD and a representative of the Gambian winning team in the previous year. The winning team from the UK will be present at the event but not involved in the judging process.
The winning 3 pairs i.e. 6 students will each receive a grant of £150 towards a course of their choice (on acceptance by and admission to the institution) at either the Gambian Technical Training Institute (GTTI), Gambia College (teacher’s training) or the University of The Gambia to further their education thereby ensuring maximum participation. (Current course fees are approximately £100 at GTTI)
This proposal represents a development of the current MBG/TARUD programme which has for the past 18 months, been supporting entrepreneurial business projects in Gunjur, through loans, and is also funding the training of 8 students in a variety of courses at the GTTI.
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