Content of the BE REEL Business Workshop Training

From the research-evidenced aims for the programme and the process for the training, the content of the training evolved to include the following, designed as a Gambia-centric logical journey of development.

The training initially builds self-awareness, taking participants from insight into their own individual strengths and weaknesses, through what their business idea is, to what makes a micro-business successful. This enables the participants to identify their capabilities for being a micro-entrepreneur, leading to greater self-confidence in their chosen path, and preventing aborted attempts to set up a business that is unlikely to succeed.

From participants’ core business ideas the training develops insights about products and services, how to focus and differentiate, how to price and budget, how the products and services will be produced and distributed, to whom (customers and groups of customers), who else is doing it (competitors) and the impacts of this, what other external threats and opportunities there are, how to communicate and promote their business offerings (marketing), record keeping, basic finance and making the business sustainable. These topics are addressed by participants applying them to their own business ideas.

From these essential skills, participants are able to develop a clear strategy for their business going forward, are able to develop business plans to apply for loans, maximise their profits and understand basic bookkeeping.


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